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KD-49X8305C Constant Network Issues

Hi Everyone,


I have the KD-49X8305C, purchased in August. I have CONSTANT network connectivity problems. 

As the TV sits above the router, its wired via ethernet.

So every evening, we turn the TV on and have to go through a list of ways of getting the TV online, and its just pure luck on the day as to which one will work!

When I go down the home screen, it shows the ethernet symbol with a little exclamation sign. Sometimes its just as simple as clicking into that menu, then to wired, and it magically gets an IP and it works. 

Other times, I have to sit there, restart the TV, or restart the router (I have a BT Smart Hub 6, btw, does this router have compatibility problems with this TV??) 

Sometimes, I notice that the IP that the TV has listed (when it doesnt work) starts 169.x.x.x where in reality, my network had 192.168.1.x type addresses. Normally devices get 169 address when they're self assigned arent they??

I've also added the same BT Hubs Wifi just to see if that works, but I still struggle with that, which makes me think its more TV related than router?

I have tried lots of new patch cables (thanks work!) and tried all 4 ports on the BT Smart Hub. 

I consider myself a bit of a geek when it comes to tech, and I am seriously at a loss!


If anybody has ANY suggestions it'll be appreciated!


Thanks All, 


Dan :slight_smile:

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