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Sony XD9305 - All Failing / Bricked after a few weeks/months?

Hi all,


My TV Sony 55XD9305 failed to switch on this morning, no power, no response to remote or Tv switches. Left switched off, still no joy with different power sockets.


What is concerning is that a £2000 (at the time of purchase) has failed so quickly.


Having read a couple of other threads, it seems to be widespread.


Can everyone who has experienced this issue, please let me know if they know what the fault is and what parts they replaced?


Also, the last thing i want is a repeat once it's fixed, so does anyone know if SONY are aware of faulty components and do the replaced parts have a fix in place?


I intend to pursue this with SONY for an answer, so it would be good to have collective evidence in this post.


The Xd9305 was already sluggish, slow and always losing Wireless connection with SONYs own Soundbar, now this..... Well done SONY, I will never buy Sony ever again

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