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X800 4k Player help - Menu Blinking / Flickers

Hi There


I am hoping someone can advise me of a solution to this issue. I just purchased the X800 4K Player and have it connencted to my KD-65X8509C TV.


Both have the latest firmware. I set my TV HDMI port to "Enhanced" and was ready to go. Although once i turned on the player and got the homescreeen the screen kept flickering or blinking, cutting off and coming back on again but to make things stranger I put a movie disc in and once it starts no issues and plays without any problems. Once the movie is over and back to the homescreen the blinking/flicker is back.


Does anyone else know what to do with this issue? I do also have a PS4 Pro, and another Sony home cinema system connected to my TV would this be causing an issue?  It is probally a simply setting that I have thought of but it is driving me banannas lol


Kind Regards



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