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After replacing the glass, the phone only slightly lights up


After replacing the glass, the phone only slightly lights up

Telefon po wymianie szybki lekko się tylko podświetla.  Xperia xa1 ultra zgasł w czasie grania

 Ma włączone wifi i słychać przychodzące sms ale nie mogę go uruchomić

After replacing the glass, the phone only slightly lights up. Xperia xa1 ultra went out while playing

It has wifi turned on and you can hear incoming sms but I can't start it



Hi @Jerzy68, sorry to hear about this. Slightly_frowning_Face

I have translated your question to English as this is an International forum, please post any replies in English and it will be easier for me and other users to assist you.

Sounds like there is something wrong with the back light in the device.

Did you replace the screen on your own or did you do it at an authorized service centre? If an authorized service centre performed the repair, get in touch with them again regarding that the device isn't working as it should after it was repaired.