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Horizontal line on Sony Bravia KD-65XE7002 (Duplicate Image)

Horizontal line on Sony Bravia KD-65XE7002 (Duplicate Image)



I’ve got the above TV and recently a line has appeared going all the way across the screen, at first I thought it was a line of dead pixels and had given up hope that it could be repaired, so I swapped it with my gaming TV.


Now I’ve noticed that it appears to be a line (about 1/4 inch thick) that is about 2 inches too high and in the wrong place, by that I mean the line that I thought was dead pixels is actually trying to display a line of image that fits in about 2 inches lower. This is shining a bit of light that it might be something mechanical and could be repaired. 

Any ideas or tests that I can carry out to sort the problem out? Happy to try replacing components if there is a chance it would potentially fix the problem.


Unfortunately your 2017 tv seems broken...

Wow! Thanks for the in depth and condescending reply! Although looking at your other replies I assume this is you being “helpful”, is this what it takes to become an expert here?

The TV was actually purchased mid 2018 and my 2016 model Samsung is still working perfectly, so the age of the model of TV shouldn’t be the contributing factor into faults. Since when has it been acceptable for a TV worth £800 new should fail within 2 years?

Anyway, thanks for the reply and I will take this expert opinion and buy something other than Sony!

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I do not know what do you expect from a user contributing in a community even if tagged as expert, if your tv is broken (and from the description you gave it seems the panel at fault) is like it is. Or you want me to go through all the checklist the support goes through (restart the system, reset to factory, disconnect any device, etc...)? 

And also the other comment do not need really a reply but if you like ... no it should not break after two or three years the expected life should be more, but it happens and that is the reason for warranty (in uk you have only 1 year in Italy is 2 years) and extended warranty sold along with the tv. If you did it you are safe, you'll get a brand new tv for free. Cheers

What I expected and certainly from a so called expert is something with a bit of substance and at least remotely helpful, saying the TV is “broken” and making a point of telling me what year model it is doesn’t offer me anything.

My original question was asking for ideas along the lines of a possible T Con board replacement (I know 99% are vertical issues) or even a simple case of trying a ribbon swap to test it out, but saying it is broken when it quite clearly is doesn’t help anyone.

I’m sure in becoming an expert you have given plenty of sound advice instead of just quoting the blindingly obvious, but in this instance all it has done is advised me this was the wrong place to ask for some helpful assistance.


Surely is the wrong place, for hardware problem you should contact a Sony Support center. None here is able or permitted to give you advice on how to identify a board broken and how to repair it.

Why not say that in the first place then!

Ah I see, a quick one line response gets your reply count up and that’s how you become an expert. I am guessing that is an expert in replying seeing as no-one is actually allowed to give any advice in this community!

Why do you worry about my profile? I wrote something wrong? Do you thing I'm getting payed in order to help others? Or do you expect a kind of magician who can solve any problem?

I just expected an expert on a brands community to be able to give reasonable advice and have some element of customer service about them. I get that you don’t get “payed” by Sony but I did expect something back that included something a bit more than “it’s broken”. My mistake, my expectations must be too high.

Anyway I’m adding to your replies now by giving you something to say, you’ll be a super expert by the end of this thread. I’m done now, off to buy myself an LG from John Lewis!

Hi @adarsco   I think you have successfully burnt your bridges here 😀  I would try Sony UK Support .