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Sony direction?

Sony direction?

I just wondered what people are making of Sony's decision to sell off their European online gaming rights and what it says about the company as a whole? For those that dont understand what this is about Sony have essentially sold their online players to another company for a cash profit, destroying years of work that players have put in, splitting up friendships and isolating europe as a whole from the rest of the online world.

Whilst this is clearly an issue for the online gaming community as a whole to deal with I do wonder what it says about Sony corporation as a whole. They are struggling from serious financial problems and are looking for customers to support them through these difficult times. Yet they are willing to sell their customers on at any sign of profit. This surely does not bode well for us consumers in any way, certainly if they are willing to sell on contracts at the drop of a hat.

Anyone have any similar experiences with other arms of the sony corporation?