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VGX-XL201 => power suply out: replace or upgrade the case ???

VGX-XL201 => power suply out: replace or upgrade the case ???

Hello girls! :smileygrin:

I have a VGX-XL201 for 2 years now and I have made a lot of modification since I've got it. I change the CPU, the RAM, hard disk,... Thanks to the help of IT Troll, I changed my graphic card with a 8500GT and adapt the heatsink from the the original 7600. Last week, I would like to upgrade my graphic card again and... it was "a big mistake"!
I choose a Leadtek GT220 with 1GB DDR3. One week later, my power supply dye! I don't know if this is a direct consequence of the replacing of my graphic card but I'm very disappointed now! :slight_frown:

I look on the net to find a new (or use) power supply and it's almost impossible to find it. The model is DPS-290AB from Delta Electronic. Very, very, very hard to find. I saw a shop on the web that sold it for... 246 US Dollars => They are crazy !!! I call a repair center in my country and they can have it for almost 50 Euros. That's correct. But, the little problem is that they don't want sell me the power supply directly. I have to give my VAIO and they replace the power supply by themselve. So I have to pay almost 125 Euros for the handmade. So the replacing of the power supply cost me 175 Euros for a 300W power supply.

As you know, you can find power supplies for 30 Euros everywhere but with the specific shape of the original one, no other power supplies can be put in the VGX box! So, here is my dilem:

1) I can wait for a moment and check each day on eBay to find a DPS-290AB power supply and hope that the price is not too high.
2) I can hope that someone on this forum knows a way to buy this power supply without paying a technician to replace this ****** power supply :devil:
3) Or last choice, I think about a big modification of my VGX-XL201

I ask myself if it will be intersting and not to complicate to install a mini-ITX system in the box. I find a new mini-ITX motherboard that accept Intel 1156 CPU (Core i5, i7). The size is only 17cm x 17 cm! So I think that is possible to place a normal power supply at the place of the original CPU heatsink with very few problem. There is a lot of very silent modular power supply on the market. I can use the Dremel to cut the frame at the back place the I/O back panel of the motherboard in place of USB, Firewire, LAN and optical connection of the VGX. I I can use the 2 empty PCI slot on the top of the box to put a full size PCI-Express and connect it to the motherboard with a flexible riser. and the CPU will be cooling with the Corsair H50 watercooling that is very efficiant with low noise and small size.

So here is the point that I consider positives and negatives with this big modding.

- System more powerfull than the original
- Possibility to have more than 3GB of RAM (that is the maximum with the original motherboard)
- Possibility to have a faster CPU (the faster CPU on the original motherboard is the E6700)
- Possibilty to upgrade the motherboard, CPU, RAM,... each time that I need if the case modding is well made (adapt the back of the case to accept the backplate and place the hole for the mini-ITX motherboard on the VGX frame)
- Possibility to have a more powerfull power supply
- Possibility to use a faster graphic card without the limit of electric consumption
- Possibility to use the VAIO to play as a gaming machine

- I lost all the front connector
- I have to put a USB infrared receiver for the remote (the internal can not be use anymore)
- I have to buy another wireless keyboard (the IRF module of the original is not working anymore)
- The system will be so quiet as the original ???
- Can I achieve to adapt perfectly the case for the new system, I don't know?

So, let me know what you think about my problem. Do you think that I can buy a new original motherboard for a "normal" price? Maybe do you know where can I find one? Do you think that is realistic to try to to moding the case to upgrade with a mini-ITX system?

Thanks for your help and your advices!


This is something that I am also concerned about. The PSU is one of the few components that is not easy to replace and so is the weak link in the system.

I would have thought that there must be some other PSU which is a close enough match to fit. Perhaps a PSU intended for a small form factor PC from HP or Dell? However I haven't spent any time looking for one yet. What are the physical dimensions of the original PSU?

If I couldn't find a replacement PSU I would probably rebuild the whole thing in a new HTPC case reusing as many components as possible. This way any future replacements/upgrades would be able to use standard parts.

I look on the net to find a new (or use) power supply and it's almost impossible to find it. The model is DPS-290AB from Delta Electronic. Very, very, very hard to find. I saw a shop on the web that sold it for... 246 US Dollars => They are crazy !!! I call a repair center in my country and they can have it for almost 50 Euros. That's correct. But, the little problem is that they don't want sell me the power supply directly.

Hi gladiateur555,

can't promise anything but I'll try to investigate if it's possible to purchase a PSU direct from Sony.

If I get an answer I'll let you know.

Hi guys,

thank you both for your answer! I hope that you will have a positive answer for me Thalamus :smileygrin: . Do you have also your power supply dead IT Troll? In my way, if I can't purchase a new one power supply, I'm pretty enthousiast to try to adapt the case to put a new system. I don't want to use this motherboard, RAM, CPU,... that are still working in a new case, and I don't now how Sony motherboard will fit in another case with the special location of the CPU and the rear connector!

What I love with the VGX is that the case is very well made (specially the design) and it don't have a PC design. No one that coming in my house thought that this case was a PC and I like that. All other case looks computer and I don't want it. That specially true about the integration of the DVD/Blue-ray player that is not so well integretated that on the VGX.

So maybe I will try to modding the case if I can't find a new PSU. Even with a new PSU I find that the system become very limited with future evolution. Impossible to put more than 3GB of RAM, upgrade graphic card become difficult because the power supply limits the power available for the graphic card. Unpossible to have a faster CPU than the E6700... Lot of restriction that let me think about a modding!



No I don't have a dead PSU. I just worry about what I would do if I did!

I don't think it is limited to 3GB of RAM. I think Sony only say that because of the 32-bit O/S limit. Also with regards to the CPU and graphics, I don't think you need any more for Media Center functions, only perhaps if you want to play games.

On the question of general upgrades, I would question whether upgrading is going to cause more problems than it's worth. Besides the PSU, do you have a problem to solve? I have upgraded my XL201 with a Blu-ray drive, more memory and the 8500GT graphics card. And it works great! All HD plays fine with no stutters, Blu-ray is fine also. I don't use it for games, so as far as I am concerned, until 3D hits the HTPC market, my XL201 is staying as it is.
I hope you find a replacement PSU, I will be interested to know whether it is possible or what alternatives there are.

I hope you find a replacement PSU, I will be interested to know whether it is possible

I'm still waiting on a response, hope to have news soon.. :tired:

FTAO gladiateur555,

If you contact Vaio support using the Out of Warranty number you should be able to purchase a PSU for your XL201.

As far as I am aware you may also have to sign/agree to a waiver, exact details of which I'm unsure..

Please kindly keep me informed on your progress..

Hello Thalamus,

thank you for your help! When I look for the repair center for computer Out of Warrently in Belgium, I find the company CELEM located in 4053 Embourg. That's the company that I called last week. They say that they can order the power supply without any problem. It cost 40 euros without VAT. So almost 50 euros with taxes. The problem is that they explain me that Sony refuse that Celem sold computer parts directly to the custommers. They have the obligation to take my VGX to replace the power supply by themselve => cost = 125 euros for the handmade. At the end the new power supply cost me 175 euros and that's a shame. I made computing assembling since 12 years now and I don't want to pay a technician to replace my power supply when I can do that! The guys from CELEM say me that he can lose his job if he sold me the power supply. They have a contract with Sony and that's very clear: the company can not sell computer parts directly to custommers.

I don't know if that is the number that you tell me to call, if it's not, please tell me who I have to call (company and phone number) => Big thanks to you !!!

To Andy:

I'm agree with you when you say that with all modification your system is very performing. I made exactly the same modification and I was enjoying with it. The problem is that I was too hungry and I have decided to upgrading the graphic card with the GT220 to increase the performance... and the power supply did not love that. If I can find a power supply for a normal price, I put my 8500GT a everything go right like before. Nice performance, low noise,...

But if I have to pay 175 euros for a new power supply for a 3-4 years old computer, It's not a good choice! My opinion is that in this case, the modding of the case will be much more intersting for a price very intersting. I see yesterday a test of the new core i5 or i3 (don't remember) in 32 nano with graphical integrated and they are very powerfull with low thermal exhaust => low noise for ventilation. With a mini-ITX motherboard, I look many time my case and check where put all parts. I think that is possible to place a normal power supply and a mini-ITX without problem in the case. It's a choice that will maybe interested if I can't obtain a power supply for good price!

Thank's again for your help!

Hi gladiateur555,

have you contacted Sony support direct using this outside guarantee number 0900 51501(French) or this 0900 51503(Dutch)to purchase the part.?